Chop Class Missouri September 12-14th 2025

Are you interested in learning how to chop a top? We'll be chopping the top on a 1951 chevy two door! The weekend includes a meet and greet Friday, September 12th from 5-8pm, where we will brace the car for the chop and have some time for some "bench customizing"!
Then, Saturday, September 13th from 8am-8pm we will start the chop process! You will learn how to lay out a chop and make the proper cuts. You'll learn the process of designing a good looking chop that flows well, and has classic proportions! This is a hands on class, so everyone will have the chance to weld, cut, grind, and get familiar with tools like the English wheel, shrinker/stretcher, and more! No experience is necessary, but the drive to learn and build Kool stuff is a must!
Sunday, 9/14 from 8am-6pm we will be finishing the chop, making the new sail panels and shaping the door tops. I will teach participants many of the tips and tricks I have learned over the years in regards to metal shaping and welding.
Lunch will be provided both days, and supper will be provided Saturday. Class size is limited to 16 participants to make it more hands-on for everyone!
Total cost for the class is $400. $300 deposit paid now is non-refundable so make sure you are available! Remaining $100 will be due Saturday 9/13/2025 at 8am.
Shop address is:
120 E State St
Vandalia, MO 63382